Course Length: 1-2 days, depending on needs
In this course, the participant learns how to properly plan, prepare and execute the more common meetings held in industry today (staff meetings, status meetings, decision meetings, information meetings, operational execution briefings and rehearsals). Additionally, participants will learn how to facilitate innovation and brainstorming techniques for crisis solutions. Applying the most common facilitation techniques, the student will utilize chart building techniques using PowerPoint, white board, and chart pack as well as conducting a meeting with the support of no media at all. The course is hands-on with each student actually planning and executing a meeting to deliver status, seek decisions and provide information to an audience. Each student will be scored among their peers on conformance to established standards for meeting protocols
Course Objectives
- Understand when to conduct a meeting
- Develop an effective, efficient meeting agenda
- Develop meeting facilitation skills
Primary Topics
- Determining when meetings are necessary
- Meeting Objectives
- Meeting Pre-Work
- Setting up Meeting Environments
- Facilitating Meetings
- Managing Action Items
- Making Meeting More Effective – the Art of Continuous Improvement
For more information about this course please call 1.855.NOVACES or click here to contact us by email.
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