Press Releases
Oct 12, 2010
Medication Reconciliation Webinar Presents Case Study Highlighting Effective Solutions for this Complex Healthcare Challenge
The complimentary webinar called “Medication Reconciliation: One Big Pill to Swallow” is being offered for a second time due to overwhelming interest on November 10 at 1 pm EST. NOVACES will present how Lean Six Sigma was used to implement several creative solutions that have improved healthcare quality and increased revenue simultaneously.
New Orleans, LA (Vocus) October 11, 2010 -- In response to heightened interest on the subject of medication reconciliation, NOVACES announces that it will offer a second airing of its webinar “Medication Reconciliation: One Big Pill to Swallow.” The company, a management consulting firm that provides process improvement and Lean Six Sigma services to the healthcare industry, will present this webinar based on a case study from a project completed at a New York hospital system.
The results from the project being presented during the webinar on November 10 at 1 pm EST draw upon the company’s extensive experience with the difficult decisions facing hospitals to manage complex processes, reduce costs and improve patient care quality. During the first improvement pilot of this case study, there was not a single medication reconciliation error. Now the improvements have been fully implemented and Vickie Kamataris, a registered nurse and master change facilitator for NOVACES, will walk attendees through how the team did it and describe how one innovative solution enabled the team to generate an estimated $1.3 million in new revenue to pay for all the changes.
The solutions developed during this project were the result of the application of Lean Six Sigma for healthcare. Lean (a rapid and simple approach to drive non-value added activities, or waste, out of processes) and Six Sigma (a rigorous, data-driven problem-solving method) have demonstrated remarkable successes in hospitals that have employed these proven methodologies, especially when combined to be used as one integrated process improvement program.
“The implementation of new process improvement methods in hospitals does not have to be complicated,” says Brian MacClaren, Chief Operating Officer for NOVACES. “Focus a team on an important project and provide them with the right process improvement tools. The key to solving tough healthcare challenges, such as medication reconciliation, is to be innovative while keeping solutions as simple as possible.”
The webinar will be held Wednesday, November 10, 2010 beginning at 1:00 pm EST and is free to registered attendees. Go to www.novaces.com/med-rec-webinar to register or for more information about Lean Six Sigma for healthcare visit www.novaces.com/healthcare.
NOVACES, LLC is a leading provider of healthcare performance improvement, Lean Six Sigma, and quality management consulting and training services to hospitals, health systems, large physician networks, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. Employing its SystemCPI roadmap, the company provides a framework to deploy and manage a performance improvement program that enables clients to rapidly achieve return on investment and self-sufficiency. For more information, visit www.novaces.com or call 1-877-577-6888.