Press Releases
Apr 4, 2010
NOVACES Webinar Series Focuses on Linking the Improvement of Healthcare Quality with Finance Using Lean Six Sigma
The live webinars offer a unique opportunity to learn how process improvement best practices can be applied immediately in hospitals to simultaneously improve healthcare quality and solve financial challenges.
New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) April 4, 2010 -- In response to heightened interest during the ongoing healthcare debate, NOVACES announces that it will offer its Breakthrough Performance Webinars on a regular basis, expanding coverage to a host of case histories dealing with continuous process improvement applications in hospitals. The program, conducted by the company’s healthcare division, will draw upon extensive experience with the difficult decisions facing hospitals to manage complex processes, reduce costs and improve patient care delivery.
Healthcare, similar to any complex business operation, requires a framework built upon industry’s best practices in process improvement and innovation to improve quality and control costs. Unnecessary inefficiencies, including those that are associated with the administrative, operational and logistical processes, prevent the delivery of the best possible care.
A key solution to these problems is the implementation of Lean Six Sigma programs that are designed for the healthcare environment. Lean (a rapid and simple approach to drive non-value added activities, or waste, out of processes) and Six Sigma (a rigorous, data-driven, problem-solving method) have demonstrated remarkable successes in hospitals that have employed these proven methodologies. These successes are not limited to private sector healthcare. Military healthcare and the Veterans Health Administration are also experiencing positive results from Lean Six Sigma programs.
In the next live conference, Dan Chauncey, director of deployment services for NOVACES, and Master Black Belt and change facilitator, Vickie Kamataris, will present how more that 100 improvement opportunities were identified and a deployment plan was put into place in less than 14 days for the hospital system highlighted in the case study. The interactive program also will review examples of the improvements that were generated in the first 90 days, including a reduction of CMS Core Measure Failures for Congestive Heart Failure discharge from 30 percent to 6 percent and a 44 percent improvement in Emergency Department length of stay.
“The implementation of process improvement programs in hospitals does not have to be complicated,” says Chauncey. “Yet, the effort needs to allow for a host of implementation issues such as strategic alignment, project selection, and the ability to progress towards self-sufficiency.” The program also will identify the two primary reasons for unsuccessful Lean Six Sigma deployments.
This webinar will be held Tuesday, April 6, 2010 beginning at 1:00 pm EDT and is free to registered attendees. Go to www.novaces.com/healthcare/hospital-lean-six-sigma.php to register or for more information on process excellence for healthcare please visit www.novaces.com/healthcare. Webinar attendees are eligible to receive a complimentary assessment of their organization's readiness for Lean Six Sigma.