Mentoring Programs as a Lean Six Sigma Enabler
One key area frequently overlooked in process improvement deployments is the importance of developing experts who understand both the art and science of mentoring to grow real internal capabilities. Lean Six Sigma has revolutionized the world of business, bringing about a new measure of success in customer satisfaction and quality. However, companies that have had successful deployments discover that their programs begin running out of steam if they are not able to continuously hone and align with the latest business priorities and objectives. So how can an enterprise revitalize its efforts to keep pace and continue to be a relevant and supportive force in driving the business?
There are several places to examine how a deployment evolves: alignment with strategic goals, project selection, infrastructure, selecting the right people to become involved and so forth. Yet one key area frequently overlooked is the importance of using practitioner mentoring programs as a means to reenergize a program and drive the kind of ongoing project accomplishments that support an enterprise’s needs.
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