10th Annual Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement in Healthcare Summit
When: May 10, 2011
Where: New Orleans Marriott New Orleans LA
The key theme of this summit is Healthcare Transformation to Achieve and Sustain Excellence - Culture, Leadership and the Impact of Government Initiated Reform This event will take place at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans LA on 10-13 May 2011. The healthcare sector is a key area where Lean Six Sigma processes are making a tremendous impact. Healthcare organizations are focused improving processes that generate bottom line contributions, such as revenue enhancement and reduced waste through the adoption of these and other quality improvement processes. WCBF’s 10th annual Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement in Healthcare Summit has an unparalleled array of top KEYNOTE speakers, visionaries and industry practitioners who will share their experiences and enable Summit attendees achieve organizational excellence, meet the demands of government initiated healthcare reforms and improve the quality of care for the 21st century patient or healthcare customer. More information is available at: http://www.wcbf.com/quality/5107/